What are special earned awards and recognitions?

Bronze. Silver. Gold. These represent the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn.

All three awards give you the chance to do big things while supporting an issue you care about. You might plant a community garden at your school or inspire others to eat healthy foods for your Bronze, advocate for animal rights for your Silver, or build a career network that encourages girls to become scientists and engineers for your Gold. Whatever you choose, you’ll inspire others (and yourself).


Girl Scout Bronze Award pinGirl Scout Silver Award pinGirl Scout Gold Award pin

Also a given: as you earn one of Girl Scouts’ highest awards, you’ll change your corner of the world—and beyond. The possibilities are endless.

Want to see what Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Girl Scouts have done to earn these important recognitions? For inspiration, check out examples via Girl Scouts of the USA’s Map It: Girls Changing the World.

Most earned awards such as badges and pins by grade level are available for purchase on our GCNWI Official Online Shop.

Special Recognition Awards and the Girl Scout highest awards such as Gold and Silver award items are not available for purchase online. Council verification is needed for these items.