What is the Girl Scout Official Dress Code?
Girl Scouts at each level have one required element (Tunic, Sash or Vest) for the display of official pins and awards which will be required when girls participate in ceremonies or officially represent the Girl Scout Movement.
For all girls, the unifying look includes wearing a choice of a tunic, vest, sash for displaying official pins and awards, combined with their own solid white shirts, activity shirts, khaki pants or skirts and a scarf.
For adult members the unifying look of the uniform is a Girl Scout official scarf or tie for men, worn with the official membership pins, combined with their own navy blue business attire.
Most earned awards such as badges and pins by grade level are available for purchase on our GCNWI online store. Girl Scout badges, patches, awards, and other insignia should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.
Special Recognition Awards and the Girl Scout highest awards such as Gold and Silver award items are not available for purchase online. Council verification is needed for these items.