Uniform Guide

For over a century, Girl Scouts have proudly worn distinctive uniforms that symbolize the high ideals for which Girl Scouting stands. Uniforms provide unity among Girl Scouts and a feeling of belonging to a worldwide sisterhood. Girl Scouts wear a uniform in ceremonies, when officially representing Girl Scouts, and when they just want to share their Girl Scout pride. This guide is for troop leaders and caregivers and explains key awards, pins, insignia, and their placement on the Girl Scout uniform.

Uniform Basics

Daisies may choose between a blue tunic or a blue vest. For formal events, vests and tunics are worn with white shirts and khaki pants or skirts. In addition to the standard white and khaki option, Daisies may choose to wear a full uniform ensemble, which includes a beanie and leggings or a skirt.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the Daisy uniform. A Daisy might not earn all of these awards—it depends on her length of time in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Daisy Girl Scout uniform.

    1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
    2. *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
    3. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will receive a troop number.
    4. Membership Stars and Disc – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A blue colored disk rests behind the star to represent the Daisy program level.
    5. Cookie Sale Activity Pin – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills and meeting activity requirements. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has participated in Cookie sales.
    6. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
    7. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Daisies.
    8. Petal and Promise Center Set – The very heart of the Daisy uniform is the Daisy petals. A Daisy can earn 10 petals, so be sure to leave room while adding them to the uniform.
    9. Financial Literacy Leaves – These badges are earned for completing financial literacy requirements from the Daisy Girls’ Guide.
    10. Girl Scout Daisy Badges – These badges signify the completion of any official Daisy skill building or progressive badges.
    11. *Daisy Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
    12. *World Trefoil Pin – The World Trefoil Pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
    13. *Girl Scout Daisy Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
    14. Journey Summit Award Pin – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Daisy Journeys. Girls who earned the Journey Summit Award Pin can carry their award over to their Brownie uniform.
    15. Cookie Program Leaves – These badges are earned for completing cookie sale activities from the Daisy Girls’ Guide.
    16. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.
    17. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
    18. Girl Scout Daisy Badges – Additional skill building or legacy badges can be placed here.
    19. Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Daisy Journey activities a girl has completed. When the original three Journey activities are completed, they are put together to make a special picture.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.

Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniform Basics

Brownies have the option of a brown sash or vest. In addition to the standard white shirt and khaki pants or skirt option for formal events, Brownies may choose to wear a full uniform ensemble. This includes a Brownie shirt, beanie, tie, skort, and socks or tights.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the Brownie uniform. A Brownie might not earn all of these awards—it just depends on her length of time in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Brownie Girl Scout uniform. Insignia and awards marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls’ uniforms right away!

Brownie Uniform Diagram (Items 1-12 read top-bottom on the vest right side; 13-17 read top-bottom on the vest left side)

  1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
  3. Troop Crest – This crest is a symbol for the troop’s goal, interest, or character. A crest is voted on by all troop members.
  4. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will receive a troop number.
  5. *Membership Stars and Discs – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A green colored disk rests behind the star to represent the Brownie program level.
  6. *Bridge to Girl Scout Brownie Award – This award signifies that a girl has graduated from the Girl Scout Daisy level and is now a Girl Scout Brownie.
  7. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
  8. Cookie Sale Activity – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has participated in Cookie sales.
  9. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Brownies.
  10. Girl Scout Brownie Badges – These are triangular and placed along the bottom of the sash or vest on the right hand side. It is acceptable for these badges to be placed upside down in order to fit the pieces together like a puzzle. If there is no more space on the front, overflow badges can be placed on the bottom around the back of the vest or sash.
  11. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.
  12. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
  13. *Brownie Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
  14. *World Trefoil Pin – The World Trefoil Pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  15. *Girl Scout Brownie Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
  16. Journey Summit Award Pin – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Brownie Journeys. Girls who earned the Journey Summit Award Pin can carry their award over to their Junior uniform.
  17. Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Brownie Journey activities a girl has completed. When the original three Journey activities are completed, they are put together to make a special picture.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniform Basics

Juniors have the option of a green vest or sash. Juniors wear the standard white shirt and khaki pants or skirt for formal events.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the Junior uniform. A Junior might not earn all of these awards—it just depends on her length of time in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Junior Girl Scout uniform.Insignia and awards marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls uniform right away!

Junior Uniform Diagram (Items 1-13 read top-bottom on the vest right side; 14-22 read top-bottom on the vest left side)

  1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
  3. Troop Crest – This crest is a symbol for the troop’s goal, interest, or character. A crest is voted on by all troop members.
  4. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will be assigned a troop number.
  5. *Membership Stars and Discs – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A yellow colored disk rests behind the star to represent the Junior program level.
  6. *Bridge to Girl Scout Junior Award – This award signifies that a girl has graduated from the Girl Scout Brownie level and is now a Girl Scout Junior.
  7. Junior Aide Award – This award represents girls who assisted Daisy or Brownie Girl Scouts on one of their Journeys.
  8. Brownie Wings – Girls who “fly-up” to Juniors receive their Brownie Wings. Girls wear their wings to signify they were once a Brownie.
  9. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
  10. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Juniors.
  11. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.
  12. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
  13. Girl Scout Junior Badges – These badges signify the completion of any official Junior skill building and legacy badges.
  14. *Junior Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
  15. *World Trefoil Pin – The World Trefoil Pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  16. Girl Scout Bronze Award – This pin is earned when a Junior completes her Bronze Award.
  17. *Girl Scout Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
  18. *Membership Numeral Guard – These numerals show the total number of years (not necessarily continuous or consecutive) of registered membership.
  19. Journey Summit Award Pins – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Junior Journeys. Girls who earned the Journey Summit Award Pin can carry their award over to their Cadette uniform.
  20. Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Junior Journey activities a girl has completed.  When the original three Journey activities are completed, they are put together to make a special picture.
  21. Cookie Sale Activity Pin – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has participated in Cookie sales.
  22. Journey Award Badges – Additional Journey Award Badges can be placed here.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniform Basics

Girl Scout Cadettes have the option of a khaki sash or vest (keep in mind that this uniform will be used for the rest of their girl membership years with Girl Scouts). Their higher-level badges and pins will move up with them and accumulate on this uniform. A white shirt and khaki pants/skirt are standard for formal events.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the uniform. A girl might not earn all of these awards—it just depends on her length of time and participation in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Cadette Girl Scout uniform.Insignia and awards marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls’ uniforms right away!

Cadette Uniform Diagram (Items 1-14 read top-bottom on the vest right side; 15-26 read top-bottom on the vest left side)

  1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
  3. Troop Crest – This crest is a symbol for the troop’s goal, interest, or character. A crest is voted on by all troop members.
  4. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will be assigned a troop number.
  5. *Membership Stars and Discs – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A white colored disk rests behind the star to represent the Cadette program grade level.
  6. *Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award – This award signifies that a girl has graduated from the Junior level and become a Cadette.
  7. Brownie Wings – Girls who received their Brownie Wings can wear them on their uniform to signify that they were once a Brownie.
  8. Silver Torch Award Pin – This pin recognizes a girl who has acted as a leader in her community.
  9. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
  10. Cadette Program Aide Pin – This award signifies completion of the following: one Leadership in Action (LiA) award, one Girl Scouts River Valleys’ leadership training, and working directly with younger girls.
  11. Cadette Community Service Bar – Signifies the difference a girl has made in her community by practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law.
  12. Cadette Service to Girl Scouting Bar – This bar represents girls who have volunteered at least 20 hours for the Girl Scout organization.
  13. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.
  14. Girl Scout Cadette Badges – These badges signify the completion of any official Cadette skill building and legacy badges.
  15. *Cadette Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
  16. *World Trefoil Pin – The World Trefoil Pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  17. Girl Scout Silver or Bronze Award Pins – These pins signify that a girl has earned her Bronze or Silver Awards.
  18. *Girl Scout Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
  19. *Membership Numeral Guard – These numerals show the total number of years (not necessarily continuous or consecutive) of registered membership.
  20. Journey Summit Award Pins – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Cadette Journeys. Girls who earned the Journey Summit Award Pin can carry their award over to their Senior uniform.
  21. Cadette Outdoor Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Cadette Outdoor Journey activities a girl has completed.
  22. Cadette Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Cadette Journey activities a girl has completed.
  23. Cookie Sale Activity Pin – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has participated in Cookie sales.
  24. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Cadettes.
  25. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
  26. Cadette Leadership in Action (LiA) Award – This award signifies that a girl has provided special mentorship to Girl Scout Brownies with their Journey Award.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniform Basics

Girl Scout Seniors have the option of a khaki sash or vest (keep in mind that this uniform will be used for the rest of their girl membership years with Girl Scouts). Their higher-level badges and pins will move up with them and accumulate on this uniform. A white shirt and khaki pants/skirt are standard for formal events.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the uniform. A girl might not earn all of these awards—it just depends on her length of time and participation in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Senior Girl Scout uniform.Insignia and awards marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls uniform right away!

Senior Uniform Diagram (Items 1-17 read top-bottom on the right side; 18-31 read top-bottom on the right)

  1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. *Girl Scout Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
  3. Troop Crest – This crest is a symbol for the troop’s goal, interest, or character. A crest is voted on by all troop members.
  4. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will be assigned a troop number.
  5. *Membership Stars and Discs – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A red colored disc rests behind the star to represent the Senior program grade level.
  6. 10 Year Award Pin – This pin is awarded to girls who attain 10 years of participation in Girl Scouting.
  7. Bridge to Senior Award – This award signifies that a girl has graduated from the Girl Scout Cadette level and is now a Girl Scout Senior.
  8. *Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award – Girls who earned the Bridge to Cadette Award can carry their award over to their Senior uniform.
  9. Brownie Wings – Girls who received their Brownie Wings can wear them on their uniform to signify that they were once a Brownie.
  10. Torch Awards – This award recognizes a girl who has acted as a leader in her community.
  11. Counselor in Training (CIT) I Award Pin – This patch signifies completion of a Girl Scouts River Valleys’ outdoor leadership course.
  12. Volunteer in Training (VIT) Award Pin – This patch signifies completion of a Girl Scouts River Valleys outdoor leadership course.
  13. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
  14. Senior Community Service Bar – This bar signifies the difference a girl has made in her community by practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law.
  15. Senior Service to Girl Scouting Bar – This bar signifies that a girl has volunteered at least 20 hours to the Girl Scout organization.
  16. Girl Scout Senior Badges – These badges signify the completion of any official Senior skill-building and legacy badges.
  17. Girl Scout Cadette Badges – Girls who earned Cadette badges can carry their award over to their Senior uniform.
  18. *Senior Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
  19. *World Trefoil Pin – The World Trefoil Pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  20. Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award Pins – These pins signify that a girl has earned her Bronze, Silver, and/or Gold Awards.
  21. Girl Scout Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
  22. Membership Numeral Guard – These numerals show the total number of years (not necessarily continuous or consecutive) of registered membership.
  23. Journey Summit Award Pins – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Senior Journeys. Girls who earned the Journey Summit Award Pin can carry their award over to their Ambassador uniform.
  24. Senior Journey Award Pins and Badges – These awards signify the Senior Journey activities a girl has completed.
  25. Senior Outdoor Journey Award Badges – These awards signify the Senior Outdoor Journey activities a girl has completed.
  26. Cadette Journey Award Badges – Girls who earned Cadette Journeys can carry their awards over to their Senior uniform.
  27. Cookie Sale Activity Pin – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years a girl has participated in Cookie sales.
  28. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Seniors.
  29. Cadette Leadership in Action (LiA) Award – Girls who earned their LiA can carry the award over to their Senior uniform.
  30. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
  31. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniform Basics

Girl Scout Ambassadors have the option of a khaki sash or vest. Their higher-level badges and pins will move up with them and accumulate on this uniform. A white shirt and khaki pants/skirt are standard for formal events.

The Front of the Uniform

All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the uniform. A girl might not earn all of these awards—it just depends on her length of time and participation in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Ambassador Girl Scout uniform.Insignia and awards marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls’ uniforms right away!

Ambassador Uniform Diagram (Items 1-21 read top-bottom on the vest right side; 22-35 read top-bottom on the vest left side)

  1. *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip.
  3. Troop Crest – This crest is a symbol for the troop’s goal, interest, or character. A crest is voted on by all troop members.
  4. *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will be assigned a troop number.
  5. *Membership Stars and Discs – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts. A navy blue colored disk rests behind the star to represent the Ambassador program grade level.
  6. 10 Year Award Pin – This pin is awarded to girls who attain 10 years of participation in Girl Scouting.
  7. Bridge to Ambassador Award – This award signifies that a girl has graduated from the Girl Scout Senior level and is now a Girl Scout Ambassador.
  8. *Bridge to Senior Award – Girls who earned the Bridge to Senior Award can carry their award over to their Ambassador uniform.
  9. *Bridge to Cadette Award – Girls who earned the Bridge to Cadette Award can carry their award over to their Ambassador uniform.
  10. Brownie Wings – Girls who received their Brownie Wings can wear them on their uniform to signify that they were once a Brownie.
  11. Torch Awards – This award recognizes a girl who has acted as a leader in her community.
  12. Counselor in Training (CIT) I Award Pin – This patch signifies completion of a Girl Scouts River Valleys’ outdoor leadership course.
  13. Counselor in Training (CIT) II Award Pin – This patch signifies completion of a Girl Scouts River Valleys’ outdoor leadership course.
  14. Volunteer in Training (VIT) Award Pin – This patch signifies completion of a Girl Scouts River Valleys’ outdoor leadership course.
  15. My Promise, My Faith Pins – These pins signify girls who’ve completed steps to identify what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide.
  16. Ambassador Community Service Bar – This bar signifies the difference a girl has made in her community by practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law.
  17. Ambassador Service to Girl Scouting Bar – This bar signifies that a girl has volunteered at least 20 hours to the Girl Scout organization.
  18. Girl Scout Ambassador Badges – These badges signify the completion of any official Ambassador skill building or legacy badges.
  19. Girl Scout Senior Badges – Girls who earned the Senior badges can carry their award over to their Ambassador uniform.
  20. World Thinking Day Award – This award is earned by participating in activities and projects on World Thinking Day.
  21. Girl Scout Cadette Badges – Girls who earned the Cadette badges can carry their award over to their Ambassador uniform.
  22. *Ambassador Insignia Tab – This tab is used to hold the World Trefoil Pin and Membership Pin.
  23. *World Trefoil Pin – This pin shows that a girl is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  24. Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award Pins – These pins signify that a girl has earned her Bronze, Silver, and/or Gold Awards.
  25. *Girl Scout Ambassador Membership Pin – This pin signifies that a girl is a member of Girl Scouts.
  26. *Membership Numeral Guard – These numerals show the total number of years (not necessarily continuous or consecutive) of registered membership.
  27. Journey Summit Award Pin – This pin signifies that a girl has completed three Ambassador Journeys.
  28. Ambassador Journey Award Pins and Badges – These pins and badges signify the Ambassador Journey activities a girl has completed.
  29. Ambassador Outdoor Journey Award Badges – These badges signify the Ambassador Outdoor Journey activities a girl has completed.
  30. Senior Journey Award Pins and Badges – Girls who earned Senior Journeys can carry their awards over to their Ambassador uniform.
  31. Cadette Journey Award Badges – Girls who earned Cadette Journeys can carry their awards over to their Ambassador uniform.
  32. Cookie Sale Activity Pin – Girls who participate in the Cookie Program are eligible to earn the cookie pin by developing essential business skills. Each year the pin color changes. These pins move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years a girl has participated in Cookie sales.
  33. Safety Award Pin – This pin signifies completion of a five-step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Ambassadors.
  34. Global Action Award – This award connects the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on an issue that affects girls and women all over the world.
  35. Cadette Leadership in Action (LiA) Award – Girls who earned their LiA can carry the award over to their Ambassador uniform.

The Back of the Uniform

If girls can’t fit all the official awards and patches on the front of your uniform, they can place them on the back. However, the back of the uniform is meant for all unofficial badges and patches including cookie, camp, and fun patches.Fun patches reflect girls’ participation in events, projects, or special personal interests.

Shop for Daisy Uniforms, and More!

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).

Uniforms aren’t just for girls! Girl Scout volunteers and adult members can proudly wear adult uniforms to troop, service unit, and council events to set an example for the other Girl Scouts in their lives. This article is for all volunteers and details key pins, insignias, and their placement on the adult uniform.

Uniform Basics

Adult members’ uniform is navy blue business attire with the official pins and awards pins either pinned to their attire or a navy adult vest. Women complete their uniform by wearing an official Girl Scout scarf, and men wear a Girl Scout tie.

Adult Uniform Diagram (Items 1-11 read top-bottom on the shirt right side; 11-17 read top-bottom on the shirt left side)

  1. American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA.
  2. Volunteer of Excellence Award Pin – This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service.
  3. Thanks Badge – This pin honors an individual who has had an exceptional, measurable impact on Girl Scouts.
  4. Thanks Badge II – This pin honors a previous Thanks Badge recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service.
  5. Honor Pin – This pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in two or more geographic service areas.
  6. Lifetime Membership Pin – Signifies that the adult is a registered lifetime member of Girl Scouts.
  7. Personalized ID Pin – A name tag that can be ordered through your local Girl Scout shop to wear at Girl Scout events.
  8. Bridge to Adult Girl Scout Award – This award honors those who have bridged from a Girl Scout Ambassador to an adult Girl Scout.
  9. Volunteer Service Award Pin – This pin recognizes an adult member for years of active volunteer service at five-year intervals.
  10. Alum Pin – This pin honors Girl Scout Alum.
  11. Volunteer Pin – This pin signifies you are a Girl Scout volunteer.
  12. Adult Insignia Tab – This tab holds the World Trefoil pin, your corresponding adult position pin, and your Girl Scout Membership pin.
  13. World Trefoil Pin – This pin shows that you are part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
  14. Adult Position Pin – Represents your role within the organization (see “Position Pins” below).
  15. Girl Scout Membership Pin Contemporary or Traditional – This pin signifies that you are a member of Girl Scouts.
  16. Membership Numeral Guard – These numerals show the total number of years (not necessarily continuous or consecutive) of registered membership.

If an adult has earned more than one special recognition (Appreciation Pin, Thanks Badge, or Honor Pin), the last one received is generally the one worn.

Position Pins

Adult Girl Scout members wear position pins to indicate their present position within the organization. Find these pins and those for national-level positions on our online shop.

Yellow Rounded Bar Pin

Troop Position Pin

For troop leaders, volunteers, and volunteers-in-training

Light Blue Rounded Bar Pin

Service Unit Position Pin

For service unit volunteers and delegates.

Dark Red Rounded Bar Pin

Program Position Pin

For camp, event, and program volunteers.

Orange Rounded Bar Pin

Series Position Pin

For volunteers of series and travel programs.

Lime Green Rounded Bar Pin

Trainer Position Pin

For learning facilitators.

Brown Rounded Bar Pin

Staff Position Pin

For council staff

Gray-Green Rounded Bar Pin

Board of Directors Position Pin

For council Board of Directors.

Dark Gray Rounded Bar Pin

CEO Position Pin

For council CEOs or presidents.

Shop for Adult Uniforms and Uniform Items

Visit any of our Girl Scout shops to purchase badges, uniforms, recognitions, gifts, special packages, and more!

We have several shop locations scattered throughout our council area (see locations and hours).