Cookie Thief Mystery Book

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Burbank Shop | 7
Chicago Shop | 4
Greene Wood Shop | 3
Joliet Shop | 6
Schererville Shop | 4
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 2


It’s Girl Scout Cookie sale time for Avery, Ella and their friends Kate and Annie. The girls even get a chance to tour a new bakery where cookies are made! But when the girls see a mysterious mix-up at the cookie factory, and notice some of their cookie boxes are missing, and get caught in a dark delivery truck… a mystery really starts cooking! Who is the cookie thief, anyway? Tag along with foursome as they try to make sense of this tasty cookie case!

This mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and more! Fun activities, and SAT words are in each book. The Cookie Thief Girl Scout Mystery also includes a built-in book club that includes Talk About It, Bring It To Life, a Scavenger Hunt and a SAT Glossary.

Below are the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 2-5
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 4.4
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 182117
Lexile Measure: 690
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: P
Developmental Assessment Level: 36

Carole Marsh has created a FREE 12-page Troop Leader Guide to use in conjunction with the Cookie Thief Girl Scout Mystery. Once your troop has finished reading the book, follow up with all the fun activities in this Troop Leader Guide! You can use selected activities in one meeting or spread them out over several meetings to prolong the fun. Either way, your girls will love it! And best of all – many of the activities will help your scouts attain several badges for Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes!

Some of the fun activities include:
Sing-Along Time
Crossword Puzzle
Imagine Yourself as an Entrepreneur; This activity can count toward earning the Junior Cookie CEO Badge, the Junior Business Owner Badge, or the Cadette Business Plan Badge
Tell Your Cookie Story
A Sweet Thank You to our Military
Advertise! Advertise! Advertise!; This activity can count toward earning the Junior Meet My Customer Badge or Cadette Marketing Badge.
Creative Cookies; This activity can count toward earning the Brownie Snack Badge or Junior Simple Meal Badge.
Put the Events in Order
Cookie Booth Jumble
Cookie Math