Digital Leadership Daisy Badge

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Price for all:   $6.50


Imagine a superhero team. They help with big problems. They help with small problems. They're caring. They make the world a better place. They're leaders.

Now, imagine a digital world! You're in the digital world where you use technology, like a computer, tablet or phone. You can check the weather. You can listen to music. You can play a game. You can watch cat videos online.

What would the superheroes do in the digital world? How would they act? Who would they help? How would they lead?

In this badge, find out how you can be a digital leader. Explore how to use technology in a way that is safe, kind, and helpful.

1. Discover your communities
2. Explore a world of information
3. Use technology for good

When you’ve earned this badge, you’ll know about digital communities. You'll know what information is safe to share online. You'll know how technology can make the world a better place.

Made in USA.

U.S. Produced: This product was made or assembled in the U.S., which minimizes shipping distances and delivers a lower carbon footprint.


Instagram’s generous support of the Digital Leadership Badge for girls in grades K-12 enables Girl Scouts to explore what a digital leader is and how to become one. They learn how to be online in a responsible, safe, and positive way, and dive into topics like managing their well-being and time spent online, and how to navigate online misinformation, clickbait and biases in advertising. Thanks to Instagram, Girl Scouts discover how people use technology to connect, build community, and lead, then use those skills to create impact and become digital leaders themselves.