Digital Leadership Senior Badge

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Life comes at you pretty fast. These days, it moves at the speed of electrons! If you want to change the world, you need to move fast, too. Technology, like a smartphone, tablet, or computer, can connect you to people, information and causes in an instant. It provides tools to help you inform, organize and mobilize others.

Digital leadership is taking care of yourself and being kind and supportive to others online. It's also using technology to inspire and guide other people. Digital devices and tools like apps, email, and video conferencing can reach people quickly all over the world. This gives leaders more time to shape their message and share their cause with a wider audience when they are ready to act.

In this badge, explore how digital leaders use technology to encourage action. The digital world lends itself to activism, and you can lead the charge!

1. Discover your digital landscape
2. Examine digital advertising
3. Own your feed
4. Create content for change
5. Expand your reach.

When you've earned this badge, you will know how technology can be used to make positive changes in the world. You'll know how to make the internet a better place for yourself and others.

Made in USA.

U.S. Produced: This product was made or assembled in the U.S., which minimizes shipping distances and delivers a lower carbon footprint.


Instagram’s generous support of the Digital Leadership Badge for girls in grades K-12 enables Girl Scouts to explore what a digital leader is and how to become one. They learn how to be online in a responsible, safe, and positive way, and dive into topics like managing their well-being and time spent online, and how to navigate online misinformation, clickbait and biases in advertising. Thanks to Instagram, Girl Scouts discover how people use technology to connect, build community, and lead, then use those skills to create impact and become digital leaders themselves.