Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath/Juma


Burbank Shop | OUT OF STOCK
Chicago Shop | OUT OF STOCK
Greene Wood Shop | OUT OF STOCK
Joliet Shop | 23
Schererville Shop | OUT OF STOCK
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | OUT OF STOCK

Frequently Bought Together

Price for all:   $10.49


Each March, during the week of Girl Scouts’ birthday, faith partners join us to help girls celebrate the connections between their faith and Girl Scouts.

Celebration days include Girl Scout Sunday, Girl Scout Jummah, Girl Scout Sabbath and Girl Scout Shabbat.

Fun patches are a great way to celebrate events and outings.

Fun patches do not have requirements but can be awarded by the troop leader at a service unit or council event.

These are iron-on patches, but you can also attach to the uniform with Badge Magic!

All fun patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic. All fun patch designs are exclusively owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.

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