Good Vibes Patch Program

SKU: 1510135 Category:


Burbank Shop | 50
Chicago Shop | 48
Greene Wood Shop | 82
Joliet Shop | 656
Schererville Shop | 34
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 78


In this patch program, you will choose to address one of the mental health issues that many adolescents and teens in America face daily.

The goal is to build a positive campaign or project to raise awareness and provide information and resources around the issue. You are taking the lead to impact positive change in your communities by building healthy relationships and providing resources and empowering others to seek help if they need it.

GIRL SCOUT LEVEL: Cadette, Senior and Ambassador

After your purchase you will be provided a downloadable Badge Requirements file as a link in your order notification email and on your account page.