It’s Your Story Cadette Journey Award

SKU: 1500382 Category:


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Cadettes can earn a Leader in Action (LiA) award by assisting a Brownie group on the National Leadership Journey that correlates with the Journey they are working on. (Some examples would be World of Girls and MEdia or the Brownie and Cadette Think Like an Engineer Journey.) There are specific LiA award requirements for the three original Journey series: It's Your World-Change It!, It's Your Planet-Love It!, and It's Your Story-Tell It!.

Girls will earn the new LiA award, following the requirements for all Journeys developed since that time.

To earn a LiA, Cadettes share their organizational skills, use one of their special talents, teach Brownies something important from their Journey, and reflect on the experience.

For more information about each LiA, Cadettes can network with the adult volunteers guiding Brownie groups in their Girl Scout community.

Iron-on Patch. diamond shaped patch with elf design.

Earned Award.