Savvy Saver Senior Badge

SKU: 1512219 Category:


Burbank Shop | 8
Chicago Shop | 8
Greene Wood Shop | 8
Joliet Shop | 6
Schererville Shop | 5
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 8


Find out how to be savvy with money by planning for your expenses, reducing financial risk, and being disciplined about saving for your goals. Then use what you discover to help plan for a big expense you might have in your future.

1. Learn the ins and outs of income
2. Make a list of budgeting tips
3. Find out how to plan for a big expense
4. Compare ways to borrow money
5. Create a budget for a big expense

When you've earned this badge, you will have the financial skills and know-how to prepare to make a big purchase.

Made in USA.

U.S. Produced: This product was made or assembled in the U.S., which minimizes shipping distances and delivers a lower carbon footprint.