Toy Business Designer Daisy Badge

SKU: 1510181 Category:


Burbank Shop | 36
Chicago Shop | 16
Greene Wood Shop | 27
Joliet Shop | 35
Schererville Shop | 34
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 25

Frequently Bought Together

Price for all:   $6.50


Have some fun getting into the toy business!

Daisies learn to think like entrepreneurs by coming up with an idea for a new toy, then designing, testing, and refining it, and pitching their idea to friends and family using a poster or video they create.

1. Come up with an idea for a toy
2. Make your idea even better
3. Pitch your idea

When you've earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for a toy, designed it, made it better, and shared it – just like an entrepreneur!