Automotive Design 1 Brownie Badge

SKU: 1510166 Category:


Burbank Shop | 34
Chicago Shop | 37
Greene Wood Shop | 39
Joliet Shop | 28
Schererville Shop | 28
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 31

Frequently Bought Together

Price for all:   $16.50


Find out how automotive designers come up with ideas for new vehicles. Then, take the wheel and design your own!

Brownies explore transportation, mobility, and vehicle design. They learn about the
parts of vehicles and how we use vehicles for different purposes. They also take on a design challenge to create a specialized vehicle that helps a customer, choosing a
mobile clinic for a veterinarian, a vehicle to transport a sports team and their
equipment, or a mobile maker space for kids. They consider what their customer wants
and needs as they create the design criteria, sketch, and sculpt a model of their vehicle.

1. Explore how people move from place to place
2. Discover design criteria
3. Choose your vehicle's design criteria
4. Sketch a vehicle to meet your criteria
5. Sculpt and share your vehicle

When you've earned this badge, you'll know how to design, sketch, and sculpt a vehicle.