GCNWI Zipper Tote

SKU: 1513556 Categories: , , , ,


Burbank Shop | OUT OF STOCK
Chicago Shop | 1
Greene Wood Shop | 2
Joliet Shop | 49
Schererville Shop | 19
Valparaiso SU Leader Meetings | OUT OF STOCK
Vernon Hills Shop | 7


Functional and stylish with a two-tone look featuring black accents, our custom Girl Scout branded totes are perfect for meetings, events, or cookie booths. Then even make a great gift for volunteers who need to stay organized on the go.

These totes not only keep belongings in order, they also show how much you love Girl Scouts as they are carried around throughout the day.

Available in light blue, teal, fuchsia, royal blue, and purple.

Indicate in the order notes, which color you wish to order.